Dear Friends,
Wish you all a happy Krishna Janmashtami.
மாயனை மன்னு வடமதுரை மைந்தனைத்
தூய பெருநீர் யமுனைத் துறைவனை
ஆயர் குலத்தினில ் தோன்றும் அணிவிளக்கை த்
தாயைக் குடல்விளக் கம் செய்த தாமோதரனைத்
தூயோமாய் வந்துநாம் தூமலர்தூ வித்தொழுது
வாயினால் பாடி மனத்தினால் சிந்திக்கப ்
போய பிழையும் புகுதருவான ் நின்றனவும்
தீயினில் தூசாகும் செப்பேலோர் எம்பாவாய்.
maayanai, mannu vaDamadhurai maindanait
tUya peru nIr yamunait tuRaivanai
aayar kulattinil tOnRum aNiviLakkait
taayaik kuDal viLakkam seyda damOdaranait
tUyOmaay vandu nAm, tUmalar tUvit tozhudu
vaayinAl paaDi manattinaal sindikkap
pOya pizhaiyum pugudaruvaan ninRanavuM
tIyinil tUsaagum seppElOrempaavaay
Some verses from krishna karnAmrutam tritIya AsvAsA
कोदण्डम् ऐक्षवम् अखण्डम् इषुम् च पौष्पम्
बिभ्राणम् अष्टविधबाहुभिरर्कवर्णम्
ध्यायेद्धरिम् मदनगोपविलासवेषम्॥ ३-१०४
कोदण्डम् ऐक्षवम् अखण्डम् इषुम् च पौष्पम्
चक्र अब्ज पाश सृणि काञ्चन वंश नालम् ।
बिभ्राणम् अष्ट विध बाहुभिः अर्क वर्णम्
ध्यायेत् हरिम् मदन गोप विलास वेषम् ।। ३-१०४
kodaṇḍam aikṣavam akhaṇḍam iṣum ca pauṣpam
cakrābjapāśasṛṇikāñcanavaṁśanālam |
bibhrāṇam aṣṭavidhabāhubhirarkavarṇam
dhyāyeddharim madanagopavilāsaveṣam || 3-104
Lord Hari should be meditated upon as MadanagopAla, dhyAyet harim madanagopa vilAsa vesham, wearing in His eight arms, ashTavidha bAhubhi:, the bow of sugarcane, kodaNDam aikshavam strong and unbroken, akhaNDam, the arrow of flowers, ishum ca paushpam, the cakra, Sankha, paaSa, ankuSa and golden flute, cakrAbja paaSa srNi kAncana vamSanaaLam, and His hue red like
the rising sun, arkavarNam.
लावण्यवीचीरचिताङ्गभूषाम् भूषापदारोपितपुण्यबर्हाम्।
कारुण्यधारालकटाक्षमालाम् बालाम् भजे वल्लववंशलक्ष्मीम्॥ ३-१८
लावण्य वीची रचित अङ्ग भूषाम् भूषा पद आरोपित पुण्य बर्हाम्
कारुण्य धाराल कटाक्ष मालाम् बालाम् भजे वल्लव वंश लक्ष्मीम्
bhūṣāpadāropitapuṇyabarhām |
bālām bhaje vallavavaṁśalakṣmīm || 3-18
I worship the Lakshmi of the cowherd clan in child form, Who is shining with ornaments that send out the waves of beauty, Who is wearing the peacock feather as a decoration and Whose glances are a stream of mercy. Here Leelasuka describes KrishNa as GopAlasundari or as the Sree of yadAvAs.
KrishNa is the Lakshmi of cowherd clan and hence the feminine gender is used. Her ornaments, angabhUshaNam, send out waves of beauty, lAvaNyaveecee, because they themselves are made beautiful by the beauty of KrishNa. Swamy Desika says in his Yadavabyudaya, 'angai: amitasaundaryai: anukampita bhUshaNam'. The Lord appeared in front of the devAs, who prayed to Him to destroy the evil forces, to assure them that He will take KrishNaavatAra.
There Swamy Desika describes the beauty of the Lord saying that His ornaments were only a reflection of His limbs which were of immeasurable beauty.
The peacock feather decorates the head, bhUshApadAropita puNyabarham, of this Lakshmi which Leelasuka refers to as puNyabarha, the blessed, as it alone had the good fortune of ascending to the head of KrishNa. The glances of this Lakshmi is a flow of mercy, kAruNyadhArA, the quality of mercy is further enhanced by referring to KrishNa as Lakshmi, the divine mother Who is the source of the mercy of the Lord
मालाबर्हमनोज्ञकुन्तलभराम् वन्यप्रसूनोक्षिताम्
शैलेयद्रवकॢप्तचित्रतिलकाम् शश्वन्मनोहारिणीम्।
लीलावेणुरवामृतैकरसिकाम् लावण्यलक्ष्मीमयीम्
बालाम् बालतमालनीलवपुषम् वन्दे पराम् देवताम्॥ ३-६६
माला बर्ह मनोज्ञ कुन्तल भराम् वन्य प्रसून उक्षिताम्
शैलेय द्रव कॢप्त चित्र तिलकाम् शश्वत् मनो हारिणीम्
लीला वेणु रव अमृत एक रसिकाम् लावण्य लक्ष्मी मयीम्
बालाम् बाल तमाल नील वपुषम् वन्दे पराम् देवताम्
mālābarhamanojñakuntalabharām vanyaprasūnokṣitām
śaileyadravakḷptacitratilakām śaśvanmanohāriṇīm |
līlāveṇuravāmṛtaikarasikām lāvaṇyalakṣmīmayīm
bālām bālatamālanīlavapuṣam vande parām devatām || 3-66
I worship the Supreme Goddess, parAm devatAm, Whose tresses are decorated with garlands and peacock feathers, mAlAbarha manoj~na
kuntalabharAm, Who is showered with the forest flowers, vanya prasUnokshitAm, Whose tilaka on the forehead is made of the red stone from the mountains, Saileyadrava kluptacitra tilakAm, Who is always attractive, Saasvat mano hAriNeem, Who is enjoying the music from the flute leelA veNuravAmrtaika rasikAm, and Who is the glory of beauty personified, lAvaNya lakshmeemayeem, of young years, and has a body dark like tender tamAla flowers, bAlAm bAlatamAla neelavapushAm.
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Wish you all a happy Krishna Janmashtami.
மாயனை மன்னு வடமதுரை மைந்தனைத்
தூய பெருநீர் யமுனைத் துறைவனை
ஆயர் குலத்தினில ் தோன்றும் அணிவிளக்கை த்
தாயைக் குடல்விளக் கம் செய்த தாமோதரனைத்
தூயோமாய் வந்துநாம் தூமலர்தூ வித்தொழுது
வாயினால் பாடி மனத்தினால் சிந்திக்கப ்
போய பிழையும் புகுதருவான ் நின்றனவும்
தீயினில் தூசாகும் செப்பேலோர் எம்பாவாய்.
maayanai, mannu vaDamadhurai maindanait
tUya peru nIr yamunait tuRaivanai
aayar kulattinil tOnRum aNiviLakkait
taayaik kuDal viLakkam seyda damOdaranait
tUyOmaay vandu nAm, tUmalar tUvit tozhudu
vaayinAl paaDi manattinaal sindikkap
pOya pizhaiyum pugudaruvaan ninRanavuM
tIyinil tUsaagum seppElOrempaavaay
Some verses from krishna karnAmrutam tritIya AsvAsA
कोदण्डम् ऐक्षवम् अखण्डम् इषुम् च पौष्पम्
बिभ्राणम् अष्टविधबाहुभिरर्कवर्णम्
ध्यायेद्धरिम् मदनगोपविलासवेषम्॥ ३-१०४
कोदण्डम् ऐक्षवम् अखण्डम् इषुम् च पौष्पम्
चक्र अब्ज पाश सृणि काञ्चन वंश नालम् ।
बिभ्राणम् अष्ट विध बाहुभिः अर्क वर्णम्
ध्यायेत् हरिम् मदन गोप विलास वेषम् ।। ३-१०४
kodaṇḍam aikṣavam akhaṇḍam iṣum ca pauṣpam
cakrābjapāśasṛṇikāñcanavaṁśanālam |
bibhrāṇam aṣṭavidhabāhubhirarkavarṇam
dhyāyeddharim madanagopavilāsaveṣam || 3-104
Lord Hari should be meditated upon as MadanagopAla, dhyAyet harim madanagopa vilAsa vesham, wearing in His eight arms, ashTavidha bAhubhi:, the bow of sugarcane, kodaNDam aikshavam strong and unbroken, akhaNDam, the arrow of flowers, ishum ca paushpam, the cakra, Sankha, paaSa, ankuSa and golden flute, cakrAbja paaSa srNi kAncana vamSanaaLam, and His hue red like
the rising sun, arkavarNam.
लावण्यवीचीरचिताङ्गभूषाम् भूषापदारोपितपुण्यबर्हाम्।
कारुण्यधारालकटाक्षमालाम् बालाम् भजे वल्लववंशलक्ष्मीम्॥ ३-१८
लावण्य वीची रचित अङ्ग भूषाम् भूषा पद आरोपित पुण्य बर्हाम्
कारुण्य धाराल कटाक्ष मालाम् बालाम् भजे वल्लव वंश लक्ष्मीम्
bhūṣāpadāropitapuṇyabarhām |
bālām bhaje vallavavaṁśalakṣmīm || 3-18
I worship the Lakshmi of the cowherd clan in child form, Who is shining with ornaments that send out the waves of beauty, Who is wearing the peacock feather as a decoration and Whose glances are a stream of mercy. Here Leelasuka describes KrishNa as GopAlasundari or as the Sree of yadAvAs.
KrishNa is the Lakshmi of cowherd clan and hence the feminine gender is used. Her ornaments, angabhUshaNam, send out waves of beauty, lAvaNyaveecee, because they themselves are made beautiful by the beauty of KrishNa. Swamy Desika says in his Yadavabyudaya, 'angai: amitasaundaryai: anukampita bhUshaNam'. The Lord appeared in front of the devAs, who prayed to Him to destroy the evil forces, to assure them that He will take KrishNaavatAra.
There Swamy Desika describes the beauty of the Lord saying that His ornaments were only a reflection of His limbs which were of immeasurable beauty.
The peacock feather decorates the head, bhUshApadAropita puNyabarham, of this Lakshmi which Leelasuka refers to as puNyabarha, the blessed, as it alone had the good fortune of ascending to the head of KrishNa. The glances of this Lakshmi is a flow of mercy, kAruNyadhArA, the quality of mercy is further enhanced by referring to KrishNa as Lakshmi, the divine mother Who is the source of the mercy of the Lord
मालाबर्हमनोज्ञकुन्तलभराम् वन्यप्रसूनोक्षिताम्
शैलेयद्रवकॢप्तचित्रतिलकाम् शश्वन्मनोहारिणीम्।
लीलावेणुरवामृतैकरसिकाम् लावण्यलक्ष्मीमयीम्
बालाम् बालतमालनीलवपुषम् वन्दे पराम् देवताम्॥ ३-६६
माला बर्ह मनोज्ञ कुन्तल भराम् वन्य प्रसून उक्षिताम्
शैलेय द्रव कॢप्त चित्र तिलकाम् शश्वत् मनो हारिणीम्
लीला वेणु रव अमृत एक रसिकाम् लावण्य लक्ष्मी मयीम्
बालाम् बाल तमाल नील वपुषम् वन्दे पराम् देवताम्
mālābarhamanojñakuntalabharām vanyaprasūnokṣitām
śaileyadravakḷptacitratilakām śaśvanmanohāriṇīm |
līlāveṇuravāmṛtaikarasikām lāvaṇyalakṣmīmayīm
bālām bālatamālanīlavapuṣam vande parām devatām || 3-66
I worship the Supreme Goddess, parAm devatAm, Whose tresses are decorated with garlands and peacock feathers, mAlAbarha manoj~na
kuntalabharAm, Who is showered with the forest flowers, vanya prasUnokshitAm, Whose tilaka on the forehead is made of the red stone from the mountains, Saileyadrava kluptacitra tilakAm, Who is always attractive, Saasvat mano hAriNeem, Who is enjoying the music from the flute leelA veNuravAmrtaika rasikAm, and Who is the glory of beauty personified, lAvaNya lakshmeemayeem, of young years, and has a body dark like tender tamAla flowers, bAlAm bAlatamAla neelavapushAm.
Source and Credits:
Source: Google Image Search / Scribd
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vasudEva sutam dEvam kamsa chAnura mardhanam
dEvakI paramAnandam krishnam vandE jagadgurum
वसुदॆव सुतं दॆवं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् |
दॆवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दॆ जगद्गुरुम् ||
May Lord Krishna bless us all with his grace to read at least one verse of what he told to arjuna every day.
dEvakI paramAnandam krishnam vandE jagadgurum
वसुदॆव सुतं दॆवं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् |
दॆवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वन्दॆ जगद्गुरुम् ||
May Lord Krishna bless us all with his grace to read at least one verse of what he told to arjuna every day.
Guest Post by: Sendhil
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